MVP development of Q&A and voting service

The Client aimed to develop an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of a new Q&A service allowing users to create yes-no questions and get feedback from users.

Business сhallenge

Initially the application was planned to study public opinions during elections. Today the service owners expanded the service target audience. This MVP has been developed for further search of Investors.

Our solution

Following iterative approach, the whole development process was divided into 2-week sprints with results demonstration to Investors.

Distinctive features:

  • question-making module;
  • 2-step authentication;
  • private / public questions;
  • statistics module;
  • time management;
  • integration with social networks;
  • mobile optimization.

The Client got a working MVP ready for further marketing and business research. Today the service is in its beta-testing stage. The Client is looking for investments, which will allow the service further development.

MVP solution screens

Business benefits

The Client got a working MVP ready for further marketing and business research. Today the service is in its beta-testing stage.
The Client is looking for investments, which will allow the service further development.

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    Vlad Fedortsov (Sales Manager)
    Vlad Fedortsov
    Account Executive
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