eCommerce application with WeChat integration
The Client wanted to develop an e-commerce platform, which could be easily integrated with WeChat, a popular social network is Asia.
Business сhallenge
The Client wanted to make an ecommerce platform. The service aims at those vendors who want to sell their goods using WeChat service. WeChat allows integrating all the functionality of online magazines into the social network as stand-by applications.
Our solution
The whole web development process was divided into 3 main stages:
Stage 1. Development of an e-store.
The web application itself is based on a popular library for e-commerce applications – SpreeCommerce. The application has all typical e-commerce functions available both on back and front offices.
As we used Spree, most of these functions were available out-of-box, and their development didn’t take much time and we were able to focus on the development of the service unique functionality (UX, custom interface, etc).
Stage 2. Integration of the e-store with wechat communication service.
WeChat allows integrating all the functionality of online stores into the service. We used WeChat API to Join the e-commerce functions with the service’s ones.
In addition, the platform and its interface are adapted to the Asian market and to the peculiarities of web solutions in Asia.
In addition, the platform and its interface are adapted to the Asian market and to the peculiarities of web solutions in Asia.
Stage 3. Quality assurance.
Our QA specialist tested all the functionality and its compatibility with other systems.
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