Quality assurance (QA) for customer relationship management system
Our Client is a startup owning several SaaS systems, including a big CRM system written on .Net. The Client changed developers’ teams and technologies used several times. The Client faced the necessity to adjust automatic testing process.

Business сhallenge
The Client’s CRM system is developed on .Net. All system tests of the system used to be carried out manually, which caused many problems including high cost of the testers’ team support and the low quality of testing resulting in missed bugs. To reduce the expenses and improve the quality it was decided to replace the internal testing team with an external one and automate the single-type testing as much as possible.
The Client faced problems with the service quality: users started to leave; the number of critical reviews was growing. It was necessary to find the reasons of the crisis and the best way out.
Our solution
Aiming to reduce expenses on manual testing, we singled out the functionality, which required manual QA, and the functionality where QA could be automated. When the tests plan was brought up to date, the most crucial and the less variable functionality was automated using Selenium. Our specialists recommended and implemented Unit-testing.
In addition, we realized a several sessions of stress testing. We also recommended to change the approach to the product development.
We suggested introducing a version model. New versions releases were coordinated with 3-week sprints. Each version was obligatory tested by our specialists. We developed the unified plan of tests.
- Our specialists found more than 5,000 bugs of various complexity.
- Number of critical bugs, which real users could find, was reduced to 0.
- Number of bugs in business functionality was reduced by 4 times.
- Bugs percentage in the layout and UI – by more than 10 times.
- Improved data integrity and increased the peak load up to 42% without the infrastructure change.
As a result, the Client managed to reduce costs on the system maintenance, increase customers’ loyalty and increase its market share.
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